Monday, August 30, 2010

My Two Cents Worth: Need A Bout Of Stress Relief?

Try Yoga! :)

I started hearing a lot about yoga about 3 years ago, when a friend recommended it to me. Although I was interested about the whole idea, at that time I didn't really feel the need to exercise as I've always thought of myself as pretty fit and healthy as I was. Several months passed and I could really tell the positive effect yoga was having on my friend. She wasn't just losing weight (along with regular exercise, she also became a full-pledged vegetarian), she was also becoming more energetic and just glowing with health! I could tell she was happier. So I gave it a try. It shouldn't be so hard, right? Wrong!

It took a lot of patience and strength and flexibility and dedication and all that serious stuff! I was so sore the next day. I think the instructor must have thought I was some kind of a pro as I went there in full workout gear as if I knew what I was getting myself into. haha :) She stretched and bent and twisted me like a pretzel. After that experience, I never even touched a yoga mat for a year. lol

I thought that was the end of yoga for me. About a year ago, I moved to an apartment near where I worked as a call center agent. As expected, I slept through mornings and worked through nights. My body clock was so screwed up, I was missing meals, not having enough rest or sleep, not getting any form of exercise other than the short commute to and from work. I watched my body go weaker everyday. I was always too tired to do anything. I went from 110lbs to 98lbs! At 5'6" tall, I was seriously underweight.

My boyfriend was getting worried. He lived near where I lived then. And I think that's when he made it his personal goal to get me in shape. He convinced me to jog once in a while. But since I was working nights and he was working days, it was hard for us to schedule a regular jog. And I don't jog alone. So we had to come up with an exercise plan for me that I could do on my own. I considered taebo but I was staying on the second floor of a house with wooden floors. The stomping would be so noisy.

Until one time, while my boyfriend and I were looking for shoes at a sports shop. I saw a pink yoga mat. To be honest, it was the pink that got to me. :) So I considered doing yoga again. I researched and found a bunch of beginner videos online. After giving it some thought, I think another try is in order. :) I got myself a mat (not the pink one, because the cheaper brands don't have it in pink :( and I couldn't afford to spend a lot on the high end brands). I gave it a whirl, and boy was I happy I didn't give up on yoga just yet. :)

I can't really explain what exactly it has done for me. You're gonna have to try it to see for yourself. :) All I can say is, it's the best exercise for stress relief. It's very energizing, very relaxing and very liberating. Give it a try, and be positive about the whole experience. You'll see what I mean. :)

If you're having doubts like I did, here's to get you started: Part 1 of 3 beginner yoga videos by Esther Ekhart, one of my favorite yoga gurus in Youtube. :) I'll post a link to her channel below.

I do hope you give it a try, and tell me how your experience was. I hope it will be a pleasant one. :)


Click here for more yoga videos from Esther Ekhart. :)

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