Friday, August 27, 2010

I Need To Pick Up My Pace

For reasons I feel too embarrassed to say, today was a very slow day. Nevertheless, I still tried to do some of the things on my list. But before I get to that, let me tell you something about that list. :)

I started making the list 3 days ago after I cleaned my room. I found unused little notebooks in my cabinet and figured I should put them to good use. Do you know those times when you suddenly remember a thing that you've always wanted to do but you're in the middle of something when you thought of it so you just put a mental note to do it after the thing that you're currently busy with but by the time you're done with what you were doing you've already forgotten about the mental note?? Well, that happens to me a lot. So I decided to keep a small notebook beside my bed to jot down all of the things that I intend to do, be it in the immediate future or the near future or the distant future. :) I write everything down from the most trivial stuff like cleaning the cob webs I saw on my ceiling as I was about to sleep to the more essential ones like following up on my job applications and stuff like that. And then I cross out the things that I’m able to accomplish and write the date when I finished them. I think it’s a good way to keep track of your productivity, and in effect, it also encourages you to be more productive!:)

So anyway, here are the things that I was able to cross out from the list today. :)
1. Clean the cob webs
2. Clean the fan
3. Sweep the floor in my room
4. Make an appointment with the dentist
5. Follow up on hospital applications and volunteerism

I know, I know, it’s not really much which is why I have to pick up the pace. So here’s the plan so far:
1. I’m going to apply for volunteer work in Ospital ng Sta Ana and Ospital ng Binondo.
2. While waiting for the application, I’m going to work.
3. While working I’m going to keep pursuing the application for the nursing post I’ve been ogling for the past 6 months.

Since it’s a Friday, I’m going to use my spare time this weekend preparing the requirements that I need and looking for possible temporary jobs near where I live. I seriously need my own source of income. I’ve got bills to pay.

Come Monday I’ll be ready to face my battles head on! :) Wish me luck!


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