Friday, August 27, 2010

Stuck In A Rut No More

It's 15 minutes past 4am, and I'm already a little sleepy. I usually don't go to sleep until the sun is up, but tonight I might actually go to sleep while it's still dark outside. I just wanted to write a little something first before I go to bed.

So today I decided to start this blog for a couple of reasons.
1. My other blog is a little too candid and is totally secret from absolutely everyone so I couldn't really share anything with anyone through that blog. I wanted to share parts of my life to other bloggers or blog readers who might be able to relate to some of the things that I go through, and exchange advices, comments and whatnot's. I do find reading blogs quite enjoyable, so hopefully this blog would be enjoyable to read too. :)

2. The past 2 to 3 years have been the slowest, dullest, most uneventful years of my life as far as my success and personal development is concerned. I have jumped from one dead-end job to another, been unemployed for the better part of the past year, had no career growth whatsoever, and is still trudging my so-called career path without any clear directions. I'm already 25 years old, still living with my parents, jobless and without any concrete source of income. I felt really depressed and stripped of my self-worth for what seemed like the longest time. Up until a few days ago, while I was cleaning my room, I decided it has got to stop--the self-pitying, indulging in emo thoughts, whining and complaining and blaming the circumstances BUT NOT DOING ANYTHING ABOUT IT. I decided it has to stop NOW. And I decided that from this day on, i will do. And I thought it would be nice to keep a journal about how I turned things around. :) Maybe one day, when I can finally really say that I'm living My Happily Ever After, this blog would inspire someone who has been stuck in a rut like I've been the past 2 years.

3. I will do my best to write as often as I can. I think the idea of having to write about how my day has been, or how I've been in general, will inspire me to be more productive. That way at least I'll have more to write about than the usual day spent almost entirely in front of the computer.

I guess that's it for tonight. :)


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