Thursday, September 2, 2010

I Have Dengue?

Okay, at this point I'm about 90% sure it's not dengue rash, but I guess I'll post them anyway just in case anyone begs to differ. I'm still observing my condition as we speak and rest assured I'll be the first one to rush to the ER as soon as I sense it's necessary. There's more but this was all what my camera could take.

that is NOT a leg. that's my arm. :p

DISCLAIMER: Although I've had dengue before as a kid, and I have studied this disease in nursing school, I know I'm still no expert so feel free to throw in any helpful advice you might have for me. :)

I had a fever the past two days, spiking up to 41.5 last night. I no longer have the fever now (maybe slight, I'm slightly above 38 degrees now), though I still have cough and colds and a little bit of headache and weakness. I noticed the rash a few minutes after dinner while I was brushing my teeth this evening.

Why I don't think it's Dengue:
1. It's itchy on some parts, and I know that Dengue rash isn't supposed to be itchy, as it's more of some kind of hemorrhage under the skin than a real allergy/rash that we normally refer to.

2. I did a tourniquet test on my arm and no additional "rash" appeared.

3. it's sort of "embossed" on some parts and I know that dengue rash is not like that.

My Theory:
When I was really sick, my mom applied efficascent oil on me (it's some kind of menthol massage oil), and after that I just stayed in bed for the next 12 hours under thick covers sweating buckets! (seriously. I changed sheets as soon as I felt well enough to stand)
So I'm thinking the rash maybe caused by that.

ANOTHER DISCLAIMER: Whatever theories or info I wrote here were not researched whatsoever. So even if you might have the same symptoms, each case is still different, so it's still best to consult a doctor. :)

For now I'm just glad I'm strong enough to blog again. :) Will keep you posted. Wish me luck!


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